【Read Beyond Ages 05】Fairy tales

【Read Beyond Ages 05】Fairy tales

2017-12-11    36'32''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

62 0

Host&Hostess: Sunshine&Vianion Editor:Artemis Have you ever had such a fantasy? In the castle of red brick, against the blue sky and white clouds, listen to the singing of the nightingale. At night there will be a witch with a broom across the window, leaving a match for the beautiful wish. There will be a mysterious Persian prince coming from afar, stopping at the castle, telling the story of the magical Aladdin lamp. Let's start a fantasy journey about fairy tales! 你可曾有过这样的幻想?在蓝天白云映衬下红砖垒筑的城堡中,聆听夜莺清脆的歌唱,夜晚会有骑着扫帚的巫女划过窗边,留下见证美丽心愿的火柴,会有远道而来的神秘的波斯王子,驻足于城堡外,将神奇的阿拉丁神灯的故事,娓娓道来。 让我们一起,开启一场关于童话的幻想之旅吧!