

2015-10-11    03'07''

主播: 英语环球

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美情侣装修厨房发现“宝藏”:现金、陈年威士忌和寻宝游戏 Imagine you&`&re doing some home DIY, you knock through a wall, discover a safe and inside find $50,000 and a treasure hunt. 想象一下,你正在自己动手整修住宅,敲穿一处墙壁后,发现了一个保险箱,里面有5万美元和一个寻宝游戏。 It&`&s almost too fun to be true, but it happened to a couple in Phoenix, US. 这种事太美妙,不大可能是真的,但美国凤凰城的一对情侣真的遇到了。 Posted on imgur, a woman has described an incredible tale of finding a series of clues inside a decades-old safe. 一名女子在图片分享网站imgur上晒出了自己的离奇经历:她在一个有几十年历史的保险箱里发现了一系列线索。 She and her partner were demolishing their kitchen when they found the safe. 她和伴侣拆厨房时发现了这个保险箱。 美情侣装修厨房发现“宝藏”:现金、陈年威士忌和寻宝游戏 They remembered that when they moved in they found a safe code in the back of a medicine cabinet and after half a dozen attempts the safe opened. 他们记得搬进这个住处时曾在药柜后面发现一串保险箱密码,试了好几次后,保险箱终于打开了。 And inside? Just $51,080, mostly in $100 notes and a bottle of bourbon dated 1960. 里面有什么?不过是51080美元现金,大多数是面值100的美钞,还有一瓶1960年的波旁威士忌。 She writes: ""We stared in disbelief. 她在网上写道:“我们难以置信地瞪大了眼睛。” "Time stood still. “时间静止了。” "I started to reach in the safe and Eddie yelled, ‘Wait it might be booby trapped!’ I’m still laughing at that one." “我开始试图把手伸进保险箱,埃迪(Eddie)大叫:&`&等等,万一有陷阱呢!’现在想想还觉得好笑。” But also inside was a book, entitled &`&A Guide for the Perplexed by E.F. Schumacher&`& published in 1977. 里面还有一本书,是1977年出版的E·F·舒马赫(E.F. Schumacher)的著作《迷途指津》(A Guide for the Perplexed)。 And inside that was a black and white photo of a mystery man and written on the back is the message: "Alan, I have a book you must read. 书中夹着一张黑白照片,上面是个神秘的男人,照片背面写着:“艾伦(Alan),我有一本书,你必须读读。 "I’ve underlined a few key passages. “我在几个关键段落划了线。” 美情侣装修厨房发现“宝藏”:现金、陈年威士忌和寻宝游戏 "Your friend, Vincent." “你的朋友,文森特(Vincent)。” And THEN on several pages there are a series of what seem to be clues. 然而还真有几页上的内容看上去像是线索。 On page seven, an underlined passage of the chapter titled, ‘On Philosophical Maps’ reads: “One way of looking at the world as a whole is by means of a map, that is to say, some sort of plan or outline that shows where various things are to be found.” 在第7页,《论哲学地图》这一章内容里划了这样一段:“全面看世界的一个方式是看地图,也就是有助于找到各色事物的某种平面图或草图。” And tucked into page seven is a card with the state of Arizona on it. 第7页还塞有一张画有亚利桑那州(Arizona)地图的卡片。 美情侣装修厨房发现“宝藏”:现金、陈年威士忌和寻宝游戏 Then on page eleven is a photo of a house with &`&there yielded such fruitful results" written underneath. 另外,第11页有一所房子的照片,下面写着“此处硕果累累”。 On the back of the photo, which depicts a tree split into three, "Where one tree becomes three" is written. 照片背面画着一棵一分为三的树,并写着“在一棵树一分为三的地方”。 The woman writes: "There might be a keen eye out there who recognizes this place and I’d be curious about that three-headed tree!" 这位女子写道:“要是有谁眼光好,能认出这个地方,我很好奇那棵三头树的事!” On page 14, an underlined passage reads: “Most Modern Readers will be reluctant to believe that perfect happiness is attainable by methods of which their modern world knows nothing.” 在第14页,有段划线的文字是这样的:“多数现代读者将不愿意相信,完美的幸福可以通过现代世界一无所知的方法实现。” 美情侣装修厨房发现“宝藏”:现金、陈年威士忌和寻宝游戏 And even more - a Bingo card has three numbers circled. 里面甚至还有张宾果卡(Bingo card,一种赌博游戏卡片),上面有三个圈着的数字。 The woman and her partner said they don&`&t know what they will do with the money yet but she wrote: "If Alan is still out there, it was meant for him after all. 该名女子和她的情侣说还不知道该怎么处理这些钱,但她写道:“如果艾伦还活着,这钱注定是他的。” "But we’re keeping the bourbon!" “但波旁威士忌我们要啦!” Vocabulary demolish:拆除 bourbon:波旁威士忌 booby trap: 设置陷阱 attainable:可以获得的 英文来源:镜报