E.34 从玻尿酸导致骨吸收研究,聊聊常见的医美产品原理

E.34 从玻尿酸导致骨吸收研究,聊聊常见的医美产品原理

2024-01-30    60'58''

主播: 万物生长FM

641 8

美光针、瘦脸针、光子嫩肤、烟酰胺、玻尿酸、肉毒杆菌……近些年,在线上线下各种场合,你应该看到过各种各样的信息中有以上这些词汇的。就算对这些热词不是很了解不是很了解,你也能大概看出来,它们跟医美相关。 2024年年初,一篇有关玻尿酸的论文引发学界和业界广泛讨论。其结论简而言之是,科学家通过严谨的实验和多种观察方式验证了透明质酸(也就是常说的玻尿酸)会引起骨吸收。 玻尿酸这种占据了非手术医美⅓项目的、人体内本身就存在、广泛应用于医美行业的物质被证明对人体有一定的危害,还是引起了人们的关注。基于这项研究,我们这一期大概聊了: 中国科学家证实玻尿酸打下巴后骨吸收,他的实验如何设计? 为什么玻尿酸会引起骨吸收在业内有争议? 玻尿酸的原理是什么,为什么被应用得如此广泛? 玻尿酸会引起骨吸收,那之后还能打美光针吗? 常见的医美项目大概可以怎样分类? 光子嫩肤竟然不是韩国人发明的? 易过敏的人不推荐做光子嫩肤类项目 刷酸的原理是什么,不建议哪些人刷酸? 高端护肤品里的烟酰胺是什么原理? 真有效还是安慰剂,烟酰胺类产品抗衰老研究之争 瘦脸针(肉毒毒素)是如何让人脸瘦的? 回溯既往的不良反应,科学家发现这几项原因 #song list Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007:I. Prélude - Janos Starker Heartburn - Marco Sfogli Love From Me - Johnson Rodgie Mark Masri - Santa Lucia —————————— 参考文献: Guo X, Zong X, Song G, Zhao J, Lai C, Zhang D, Jin X. Would hyaluronic acid-induced mental bone resorption be a concern? A prospective controlled cohort study and an updated retrospective cohort study. Int J Surg. 2024 Jan 4. doi: 10.1097/JS9.0000000000000955. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38181116. Gary Lask, Patrick K. Lee, Manouchehr Seyfzadeh, et al. Nonablative laser treatmentof facial rhytides [J]. Proc. of SPIE, 1997, 2970: 338-349 Nelson, J.S., B. Majaron, and K.M. Kelly. What is nonablative photorejuvenation ofhuman skin [R]. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, 2002, 21(4): 238-250. Goldberg D.J. Full-Face Nonablative Dermal Remodeling with a 1320 nm Nd:YAGLaser [J]. Dermatologic Surgery, 2000,26(10): 915-918. Dayan S.H., Vartanian A.J., Menaker G., et al. Nonablative laser resurfacing using thelong-pulse (1064-nm) Nd:YAG laser[J]. Arch Facial Plast Surg, 2003, 5(4): 310-315. Young Bok LEE, Ji Yeon SHIN, Min Suk CHEON, et al. Photorejuvenation usinglong-pulsed alexandrite and long-pulsed neodymium: yttrium–aluminum–garnetlasers: A pilot study of clinical outcome and patients’ satisfaction in Koreans [J]. TheJournal of Dermatology, 2012, 39(5): 425-429 Orlandi, I.; Alberghina, L.; Vai, M. Nicotinamide, Nicotinamide Riboside and Nicotinic Acid—Emerging Roles in Replicative and Chronological Aging in Yeast. Biomolecules 2020, 10, 604. doi.org Gomes AP, Price NL, Ling AJ, Moslehi JJ, Montgomery MK, Rajman L, White JP, Teodoro JS, Wrann CD, Hubbard BP, Mercken EM, Palmeira CM, de Cabo R, Rolo AP, Turner N, Bell EL, Sinclair DA. Declining NAD(+) induces a pseudohypoxic state disrupting nuclear-mitochondrial communication during aging. Cell. 2013 Dec 19;155(7):1624-38. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2013.11.037. PMID: 24360282; PMCID: PMC4076149. Damgaard MV, Treebak JT. What is really known about the effects of nicotinamide riboside supplementation in humans. Sci Adv. 2023 Jul 21;9(29):eadi4862. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adi4862. Epub 2023 Jul 21. PMID: 37478182; PMCID: PMC10361580.