

2016-12-13    04'55''

主播: 席文实战英语(PE)

164 8

Ladies and gentlemen . Good morning /afternoon/evening . Thank you all/ for coming .Today ,/ I’d like to talk about education . You can lose/ all your money , your house /can burn down , but nothing/ can take/ your education/ away . Thank you /for your time/ and attention . I hope/ you enjoyed my speech . Have a great day !这就是一篇关于教育的完整的演讲稿,大家一定用‘’三最法‘,一口气训练法”,反复操练,死活要把这篇演讲稿脱口而出!我最能吃苦!我最用功!我最能干!我是最棒的!
上一期: Don' be shy,just try!
下一期: 李阳老师的自述