喂,有人说你Good for Nothing

喂,有人说你Good for Nothing

2017-08-27    04'13''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

41 1

关注微信公众号:美语 获取更多发音技巧 Good for Nothing 不中用;废物;毫无价值的;没出息 That guy is good for nothing. 那家伙真是个废物。 That girl is a good for nothing troublemaker. 那女孩真是个没用的麻烦制造者(惹事得人)。 My son is such a good for nothing. 我儿子是个没出息的人。 情景会话: A. How come you don't like him hanging out with Mike? B. Mike is good for nothing. He is always is in some sort of trouble. 其他同义词短句: He is no good. He is worthless.