

2017-10-08    03'20''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

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关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧 Good Point 英语表达 Good Point用来表示: to tell someone that they had a good comment, thought, or suggestion。 翻译:说得好;优点 "Good point, I should have followed your instructions ,but......" 说得好,我本可以听从你的建议,但是...... "Good point, I will call her to explain what happened." 说得好,我将给她打电话解释发生的一切。 "That is a very good point." 那是一个非常好的点。 A. "I really think you should have called him first before stopping by his house." B. "Good point. I will remember that next time." Other Common Sentences "Good thought." "Good suggestion."