

2017-12-22    02'13''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

65 0

Talk it out. 彻底的讲清楚 You are totally my type. 你完全是我的菜。 Go jump in a lake. 很棒的俚语,一边凉快去。 Can I step in here? 我能插一句吗 Why is everyone on me? 为什么人人都跟我过不去? Something is going on. 不妙,有情况。 I'm not in the mood. 我现在没心思 There's a line. 凡事都是有限度的,有界限的 Just do what you have to do. 尽你所能 It'll be a nice change. 这样的改变也不错 Your words, not mine. 你说的,我可没说。 关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取详细免费学习信息