DAY117 我准备去找我的裁缝

DAY117 我准备去找我的裁缝

2018-12-17    05'42''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

5388 39

DAY117 我准备去找我的裁缝 我准备去找我的裁缝 I'm going to see my tailor 今天我们的topic是I'm going to see my tailor.我准备去找我的裁缝。 A tailor is someone whose job is to make clothing. In China, tailors are very cheap, and make some very nice clothing. Tailors can also do alterations, which means making changes to existing clothes. 在中国找裁缝做衣服非常便宜,但在美国很贵。To take something in means to make it smaller; to let something out means to make it bigger. When we say something is tailor-made, it means it fits that person exactly. This is was clothing or anything else. 刚才说的tailor-made,是“量身定做”的意思。WORDS 单词注解 tailor [ˈteilə] n. 裁缝师 alteration [ˌɔ:ltəˈreiʃən] n. 改变,变更,修改 美国人强调个性,从生活的方方面面都可以看到。这种不愿随大流的特点,为定制市场带来了巨大的商机,也让购买日常生活用品这一琐事,变得更加丰富多彩。 打卡规则 #跟着欢姐学美语#第()天 我的收获: 最后,附上您的单词和句子的录音 🎁 4.5-12岁的小朋友可以找欢姐免费领取一节外教体验课噢 📢 免费英语加油站小程序,里头有大量适合孩子英语学习的单词,自然拼读,儿歌和英语视频。每天打卡挣星星,可以兑换课时、绘本、乐高积木和iphone噢。私信欢姐领取小程序噢