DAY124 这是该餐馆的特色菜

DAY124 这是该餐馆的特色菜

2019-01-05    02'46''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

5255 34

DAY124 这是该餐馆的特色菜 It's the specialty of the house. Hello,大家好,今天我们的topic是It's the specialty of the house. This is something that might be on a restaurant menu, or something that the waiter or waitress tells you. specialty是特色菜的意思。去餐馆的时候,服务生一般都会推荐他们店的特色菜。 This is what the restaurant thinks, it's the best dish, usually a dinner, and usually called something similar to the restaurant name. For example, if the restaurant is called Corfu, then this might be "Corfu Chicken." OK,刚才我们提到specialty是指一家饭店所独有的,比如很有特色的菜、很有特色的酒水等与众不同的东西。 It's the specialty of the house. It's the specialty of the house. WORDS 单词注解 specialty [ˈspeʃəlti] n. 特制品,特产,名产 similar [ˈsimilə] a. 相像的,类似的