

2019-03-26    05'37''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

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PART 02详解实用对话 Drinks John: Tonight is a party night! What drinks do you think we need? Lily: Well, not everyone wants to drink beer.Make sure there are some soft drinks and juice.Nothing's as refreshing as iced drinks on a hot day. John: I don't think we need too much in the way of soft drinks.Two super bottles of Cola should cover everyone.What about wine?Lily: Just buy a cask of wine.Have you bought ice yet? John: No, once I fill the tub with beer, I'll get the ice.The beer will be cool if you put the tub under the ice.The cooler, the better. Lily: I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea.It's appetizing and tasty. John: Well, if you say so.Personally speaking , I'd rather die of thirst than drink champagne. 详细解说 饮料酒水 约翰:今晚是派对之夜!你认为我们需要什么样的饮料? 莉莉:不是每个人都想喝啤酒的。准备些软饮料和果汁吧。在大热天没有什么能够像冰饮料那样让人神清气爽。 约翰:我想,我们并不需要太多的饮料。买两大瓶可乐就可以了。葡萄酒呢? 莉莉:买一桶酒吧。买冰了吗? 约翰:没有,我要先把桶装满啤酒,再去弄冰块。如果你把酒桶放在冰里面,啤酒就会变凉的,而且越凉越好。 莉莉:我觉得来瓶香槟也是个不错的主意。又开胃又可口。 约翰:好吧,你说要买就买吧,我个人是宁可渴死也不去喝香槟的。 单词 * cask[kaːsk]n. 桶,木桶 * tub[tʌb]n. 桶 * champagne[ʃæmˈpein]n. 香槟酒 * thirst[θəːst]n. 渴 PART 03文化洗礼360° 可口可乐(Coca-Cola) Coca-Cola可简称为Coke,是一种颇受欢迎的饮料。它起源于1886年美国佐治亚州(Georgia)的亚特兰大城(Atlanta)一家药品店的后厨房。店里的药剂师约翰·彭伯敦由于喜欢调制混合饮用补品,一直尝试做一种不含酒精的饮料,最后配制成功。无人不知的Coca-Cola的名字是由南美洲的一种果汁Coca和可乐树的果汁Cola合拼而成的。据说,Coca-Cola(可口可乐)在最初进入中国市场的时候,中文译名是“可口可辣”,结果它的销量不是很好。因为一看其名就给人一种“火辣辣”的感觉,还有谁会去品尝呢?为了打开市场,Coca-Cola公司在全球征集“Coca-Cola”的中文翻译。后来,一位旅欧的华人把它翻译成“可口可乐”,从而使Coca-Cola在中国的销量直线上升。 FUN轻松:笑话 Are You All Right? 你没事吧? I walked by a co-worker and saw him sitting at his desk with his feet propped up, staring straight ahead as i in a trance.When he didn't stir as I passed, I asked, "Are you all right?" He blinked, smiled and said, "I'm on screensaver." 我从一个同事身边走过,看见他坐在桌子旁边,两只脚跷得高高的,两眼一动不动盯着前方,好像很恍惚的样子,对我从身边走过也无动于衷。我问他:“你没事吧?”他眨眨眼,笑一笑说:“我现在处于屏幕保护状态。”