2018-11-05    00'46''

主播: Jay🍊

163 0

2018.11.4 星期日 EMF I think motive does matter and you got to find something that is a motive, that is their motive, in other words, something that fulfills them or you got to move them to a place where they can do something where they are fulfilled. When you approach every practice, every game with that kind of mentality, it then bleeds into the rest of the guys and then the rest of the unit has that same approach, that same intensity. But it starts at the top. Cha's works were also widely translated. He sold more than 100 million copies worldwide. Cha was also a respected journalist and founder of Hong Kong's Ming Pao Newspaper. Cha died in hospital on October 30, 2018, after a long illness, aged 94.
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