2019-03-07    00'52''

主播: Jay🍊

112 0

EMF,2019.03.06   NIO,蔚来已来 Lesson A   核心报道   1. We went to China to look at the electric car industry, because it seems that China is really poised to dominate this industry. Chinese cars are sort of known for being not necessarily (of) very good quality, pretty, pretty inexpensive. 我们去了中国察看那里的电动汽车行业,因为好像中国随时准备统治这个行业。中国汽车有点被大家所熟知的是质量不一定特别好,但价格却特别便宜。   2. What NIO is trying to do is to build an all-electric car that’s also a luxury car. And that is appealing to newly wealthy Chinese who have money to burn and wanna spend 60,000 dollars on a car. 蔚来汽车公司要做的就是制造出全电动的同时堪称奢华的汽车。这对于那些钱多的花不完并且愿意用6万美元买台车的中国财富新贵们来说是相当有吸引力的。   3. If you are buying a car, you are not just buying a vehicle. You are buying a ticket to a new lifestyle. There are some things beyond the car. 如果你买一辆车的话,那你买的不仅仅是一辆代步工具。你买的也是通往新生活的门票。有一些东西是超越了车本身的。   4. The second floor is like a club house. And they are in some of the kind of most expensive real estate in places like Beijing and Shanghai. It’s a place to socialize and the idea is that NIO helps offer them a kind of upper-middle-class life style. 二楼像是一个俱乐部会所,一般都位于最贵的地段,比如北京和上海。这里是社交的场所,理念是蔚来能提供给他们一种中上阶层的生活方式。
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