2019-03-19    00'38''

主播: Jay🍊

95 0

EMF part B 2019.3.19 1.模拟第一句 这就是你不应该辞职的原因。你们现在正在积累将来职场需要的经验。个人职业声誉说白了主要就是你的简历。 Here's why you shouldnt resign. You guys right now are accumulating the experience you are gonna need for the rest of your career. Professional reputation is mostly a matter of resume. 2.模拟第二句 成功人士总是轻描淡写地把自己的成就描绘成幸运而已,但这不是真的。几乎所有情况下,种瓜得瓜、种豆得豆,还是这个道理。 Successful people talk as if they get lucky all the time about what to achieve but that's not true. Almost all the time you just reap what you've sown. 3.模拟第三句 小小年纪就学会溜须拍马,长大后,你如何应对那尔虞我诈、残酷无情的社会?当你找到一份工作,而你的上司又不喜欢拍马屁,你又该怎办? If you get in the habit of kissing ass this early in your childhood, you know, how are you gonna make it through the tougher dog-eat-dog world and then what are you gonna do when you actually get a job and the person above you isn't in favor of the same thing you're doing?
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