2019-06-13    00'55''

主播: Jay🍊

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  念念不忘的初恋 Lesson B   英语卡拉OK   1. 模拟第一句: 第一份薪水总是让人难忘,它永远存在于你的记忆中,久久挥之不去。有时候,第一份薪水至关重要,会给你带来一种释怀,似乎能解决所有的问题,很多人也会因此而改变生活的现状。 The first salary is one that is really hard to forget. They live in your memory forever because those feelings are still lingering. Sometimes that first salary can be so vital and it can result in such a relief of it solving all the problems that people can sort of turn their current situation around.   2. 模拟第二句: 我们大多数人都有过这样的经历,明明知道这件事情是不对的,却偏偏一而再再而三地去反复尝试。这真的就是到了一个场景,你不得不痛定思痛,快刀斩乱麻,断了自己内心的念想。 Most of us have been in that moment where you know something isn’t right to do and you just keep doing it over and over again. So that’s literally one of those scenarios where you have to cold-turkey that urge.   3. 模拟第三句: 我觉得这种情况发生后,就需要我们的自律性,因为这要求我们审视自己,然后对自己说,“就算我如此上瘾,就算再来一次我会如此兴奋,但是这对我是无益的。”大家要多用自己的判断力,而不是自己的享受和快感。 I think when that situation exists, it’s a situation that requires a lot of discipline, because it requires the people to look at themselves and say, “As addicted as I am to it, as exhilarated as I might be to do it again, it’s not good for me.” And they’ve got to use their judgement more than their enjoyment in that situation.
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