网上跟帖评论将实名制 自10月1日起施行

网上跟帖评论将实名制 自10月1日起施行

2017-09-25    01'52''

主播: 20103381

12 0

The Cyberspace Administration of China has required websites to only allow users who have finished real-name registration to make comments on the Internet, according to a new rule. 据一项最新规定,国家互联网信息办公室要求网站只能允许通过了实名注册的用户在网上发表评论。 The rule with 13 articles, which will become effective on Oct. 1, specifies responsibilities of both website operators and users as well as measures to protect user privacy. 这项规定共有13条内容,将于10月1日生效,它明确规范了网站运营商和用户的责任,以及保护用户隐私的措施。 An official with the administration said the rules aim to improve management of online comments in accordance with China's recently implemented Cyber Security Law. 该部门一位负责人表示,这些规定是依照最近出台的《网络安全法》制定的,旨在增强网上评论的管理。 网上跟帖评论将实名制 自10月1日起施行 Websites need to require users to verify their accounts, otherwise, they would be banned from posting any content. 网站需要要求用户验证他们的账户,否则将被禁止发布任何内容。 Comments also need checks by website operators before they appear on the Internet. 而评论还需要网站运营商审核后,才能发布上去。 Portals that offer danmu services, a comment sharing system that enables viewers to plaster comments directly on top of an uploaded video, are required to present comments on a conventional static web page. 提供弹幕服务(一种评论分享系统,观众可以在看视频时直接发表评论)的网站,则要在同一平台同时提供静态版信息内容。 Sites are also required to establish a comments supervision system and have enough moderators to better detect and take action against illegal information. 站点还需要建立一个评论监督系统,并有足够的版主来更好地侦查、采取行动打击非法信息。