

2017-11-03    01'39''

主播: 20103381

13 0

China has for the first time set a targeted timeline to roll out the use of ethanol in gasoline nationwide for cars, part of its efforts to clean up pollution and optimize the country's energy mix. 我国首次设定了在全国范围内推广车辆使用乙醇汽油的时间表,这是我国清理污染、优化能源结构的部分举措。 According to a plan jointly released by 15 government departments, including the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration and the Ministry of Finance, the country will implement use of ethanol-added gasoline by 2020, while targeting the large-scale production of cellulose ethanol and the world-leading position in advanced liquid biofuel technologies by 2025. 根据国家发展改革委、国家能源局、财政部等15部委日前联合印发的一份方案,到2020年,我国将实现在全国范围内使用乙醇汽油;到2025年,力争纤维素乙醇实现规模化生产、先进生物液体燃料技术达到国际领先水平。 "The plan was unveiled as the country is pushing the use of biofuel, which is renewable, applicable and environmental-friendly. It is an ideal alternative to fossil fuel," a senior National Energy Administration official said. 国家能源局一位高级官员称:“该方案公布时,我国正在推动生物燃料的使用。生物燃料是可再生的、适用的、环境友好型的。它是化石燃料的理想替代品。” The plan also said the government aims to build an ethanol production base in the country's northeast, without giving further details. 该方案还指出,政府计划在我国东北地区建设乙醇产业基地,但未透露更多细节。 China is the world's third-largest bioethanol producer and uses nearly 2.6 million tons a year. 我国是世界第三大生物燃料乙醇生产国,年使用量近260万吨。 Gasoline blended with ethanol accounts for one-fifth of its annual gasoline consumption. 乙醇汽油占到了全国年汽油消费总量的1/5。