调查显示 第三季度企业家信心指数有所上升

调查显示 第三季度企业家信心指数有所上升

2017-11-05    01'50''

主播: 20103381

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Chinese entrepreneurs were more confident about the economy in the third quarter of 2017 than in Q2, with an index released by China's central bank reaching the highest since Q1 2012. 国内企业家对2017年三季度经济的信心较二季度有所增强,我国央行发布的企业家信心指数创2012年一季度以来新高。 Based on a survey of over 5,000 industrial companies, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) set the entrepreneur confidence index at 68.7% for Q3, 3.3 percentage points higher than Q2 and 17.5% points higher than Q3 2016. 一项基于对超过5000家产业公司的调查显示,中国人民银行将三季度企业家信心指数制定为68.7%,较上季度提高3.3个百分点、比去年同期高出17.5%。 The index reflects the views and opinions of Chinese businessmen on the economic climate and business prospects. 该指数反映了国内企业家对经济形势和商业前景的意见与看法。 Among those surveyed, 66.9% considered the current macro economy "normal," while 30.7% said economic activity was "relatively cool". 在受访企业家中,有66.9%的人认为当前宏观经济“正常”,30.7%的人表示经济活动“偏冷”。 Another PBOC poll of over 3,000 bankers showed the banker confidence index rose 7.5 percentage points from Q2 to 75.3 percent in Q3. 中国人民银行对3000多名银行家的另一项调查显示,银行家信心指数相比第二季度上升了7.5个百分点,在第三季度达到了75.3%。 China's GDP grew 6.9 percent in Q2, flat with the previous quarter and above the government's annual target of around 6.5 percent. 在第二季度,中国的GDP增长了6.9个百分点,与上一季度持平,高于政府设定的6.5%的年目标。