中国互联网用户更年轻 平均年龄比美国小14岁

中国互联网用户更年轻 平均年龄比美国小14岁

2017-11-07    01'45''

主播: 20103381

9 1

China and the US have become the twin engines of global internet development, and the Chinese engine is apparently younger and more vibrant than its US counterpart, according to the findings of a white paper on China's internet economy released recently. 根据于日前发布的中国互联网经济白皮书的发现,中国和美国已成为全球互联网发展的双引擎,中国这个引擎明显比美国更年轻、更有活力。 The average age of Chinese netizens is 28, while the average age of US internet users is 42, according to the white paper jointly published by the Boston Consulting Group and the research arms of three Chinese internet giants - Alibaba, Baidu and Didi Chuxing. 这份由波士顿咨询公司与三家中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴、百度和滴滴出行的研究院联合发布的白皮书称,中国网民的平均年龄为28岁,而美国网民的平均年龄是42岁。 Besides the age advantage, others enjoyed by China over the US include high growth in users and online consumption, much faster penetration of various emerging applications, notably mobile payments, and greater vitality in internet economy that significantly shortens the time required for local businesses to become unicorns, the report said. 该白皮书透露,除了年龄优势,与美国相比,中国的其他优势包括:用户和在线消费的高速增长,诸多新兴应用、尤其是移动支付的渗透速度更快,互联网经济的活跃度更高,这大大缩短了本地企业成为独角兽所需的时间。 The white paper, the first of its kind, is likely to be issued every year just like the much-anticipated annual Internet trends report by US venture capitalist Mary Meeker, Gao Hongbin, head of AliResearch, said at the white paper release event. 阿里研究院院长高红冰在该白皮书的发布会议上称,这是第一个该类型的白皮书,它很可能会像美国风险投资家玛丽·米克尔的年度互联网趋势报告一样,每年都会发布。 The white paper highlighted four key elements to success in China's internet sector - local customization, rapid response to market needs, online-offline integration, and the construction of a viable ecosystem. 这份白皮书强调了在中国互联网行业取得成功的四个关键因素:本地化定制、快速响应市场需求、线上线下结合以及建设可行的生态系统。