阿里巴巴宣布成立达摩学院 3年研发投入将超千亿元

阿里巴巴宣布成立达摩学院 3年研发投入将超千亿元

2017-11-14    01'34''

主播: 20103381

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The Alibaba Group announced that it will set up a new research institute and invest over 100 billion yuan (about 15 billion U.S. dollars) over the next three years in advanced technology development. 阿里巴巴集团近日宣布,将在未来三年内,在有关先进技术的发展上,建立一个新的研究机构并投资超过1000亿元人民币(约150亿美元)。 The DAMO Academy aims to attract world-class talent in such areas as quantum computing, machine learning, basic algorithms and network security. 达摩学院的目标是在量子计算、机器学习、基本算法和网络安全等领域吸引世界级一流人才。 DAMO stands for "discovery, adventure, momentum and outlook." DAMO代表着“探索、冒险、动力和展望”。 It has built partnerships with more than 200 research institutes and universities and started establishing branches in Asia, America and Europe. 目前该学院已经与200多个研究机构和大学建立了合作关系,并开始在亚洲、美洲和欧洲建立分支机构。 Michael I. Jordan, a leading scientist in artificial intelligence and professor at University of California, Berkeley as well as Jeannette M. Wing, director of the Data Sciences Institute at Columbia University, are among the members of the DAMO academic advisory committee. 人工智能方面的杰出科学家、加州伯克利大学教授迈克尔·I·乔丹,哥伦比亚大学数据科学研究院主任周以真,都是达摩学院学术咨询委员会中的成员。 Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma said he hopes Alibaba Group, which has 25,000 engineers and scientists, can make achievements in future-oriented cutting-edge technology through DAMO. 阿里巴巴董事长马云表示,他希望阿里巴巴这个拥有2.5万名工程师和科学家的集团,能够通过DAMO在面向未来的前沿技术方面取得成就。