

2017-11-21    01'30''

主播: 20103381

24 1

On-demand mobility company Didi has attracted more than 21 million people to drive for it, the company said. 按需出行公司滴滴近日表示,该公司已吸引逾2100万人成为滴滴司机。 Nearly 4 million of the drivers were workers laid-off from traditional industries, such as iron and steel, amid China's capacity-cutting efforts, the company said, citing a recent survey examining the growth of its driver community. 滴滴援引近期一项考察其司机群体增长的调查称,近400万滴滴司机是钢铁等传统行业在我国的去产能工作中产生的下岗职工。 A total 1.8 million were former soldiers looking for re-employment, and 2 million drivers were women. 共有180万司机是寻求再就业的退伍军人,200万司机是女性。 The platform helps generate 170 yuan of per capita income for about 2.6 million drivers every day, it said. 滴滴称,该平台每天帮助约260万司机实现人均170元的收入。 Most drivers on the platform have a day job and are working on a part-time basis. 平台上的司机多数都有本职工作,兼职做滴滴司机。 Drivers working for less than two hours a day make up the largest portion of the workforce, accounting for 50.7%. 每天工作时间在2小时以内的司机占比最大,达50.7%。 After acquiring Uber's China operation last year, Didi dominates the country's car hailing business. 在去年收购优步的中国业务之后,滴滴主导了全国的叫车行业。