

2020-08-14    02'31''

主播: 正念柔顺

228 3

当你身边每一个人呈现给你不同面相的时 候,他们是给予你成长的机会。黑暗的角色也是让你看到黑暗,你內在的光明会加速升起。当你看到光亮的角色,这是在提醒你,你内在的品质更光亮明了,这永远都是会生生不息的。每一个人都会有处在一种黑夜跟白天的状态,当两股能 量交织在一起,才能够产生更大的 能量。这无所谓善恶,因为 宇宙中善恶是同一种能量的两个 面相。 When people around you shows different faces, they are giving you the opportunites to grow. The dark characters are there to show you the dark side, so your inner brightness would ascend immediately. When you see bright characters, they remind you that your inner quality gets brighter. It's alive and never ends. We all ever stay in the dark and the bright side. When these two energy waves collide, it will create a greater energy. There is no good or bad, because in the universe, good and bad are two faces from the same energy.
上一期: 爱是一个相同的字
下一期: 一个真正的爱