Looking forward to TS6

Looking forward to TS6

2017-06-18    38'58''

主播: 小破枫子

188 6

大家好,这里是小破枫子时间~~ 没有错,我就是一个默默等待TS6的霉粉! 歌单: 1. State Of Grace – Red(2012) 2. Should’ve Said No – Taylor Swift (2006) 3. You’re Not Sorry – Fearless (2008) 4. Long Live (Feat. Paula Fernandes) 5. Starlight - Red(2012) 6. The last time (Feat. Gary Lightbody Of Snow Patrol) 7. Eyes open (The Hunger Games) 8. Sparks Fly (Live 2011) – Speak Now (2010) BGM: Riptide (Live from 1's Radio Live Lounge) 新浪微博:fanfantasy0610