Cindy Derby: 从演员、木偶师,她变成了荣获凯迪克大奖的绘本插画师

Cindy Derby: 从演员、木偶师,她变成了荣获凯迪克大奖的绘本插画师

2021-03-25    39'40''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

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【本期嘉宾】 本期播客我们邀请到了美国绘本作家、插画师Cindy Derby。2021年,她为绘本《Outside In》配的插画荣获了凯迪克大奖!Cindy的画面非常有表现力,被《纽约时报》形容为“深邃、充满活力、神秘、失控的恰到好处......”。《How to Walk an Ant》 和《Two Many Birds ​》是她自写自画的两本绘本。在创作绘本之前,她当过艺术老师、演员、木偶师。一起来听听有趣的Cindy的故事吧! Cindy Derby is an American author and illustrator of many critically acclaimed books for children. In 2021 she received a Caldecott Honor for her art in Outside Inby Deborah Underwood. It was also named a Best Book of 2020 by The New York Times which describes her work as “profound” and “alive...mysterious, and wonderfully out of control.” ​How to Walk an Ant and Two Many Birds are two books written and illustrated by her. She was a puppeteer and performer before she started to create books. ​ To know more about Cindy: 你可以在这里找到Storyland故事星球 Where to find us 官网: 微信服务号:Storyland故事星球服务号 (ID: iStoryland) 播客:各大声音平台或泛用型播客客户端搜索“Storyland故事星球”