Day65 旅行中的麻烦看病吃药

Day65 旅行中的麻烦看病吃药

2017-05-25    02'14''

主播: Morning Nina

265 11

Day65  You need a transfusion 你得输液. an injection 打针 take medicines吃药 I want some painkillers 我需要买些止痛药 Do you have something for a toothache? 你这里有治牙疼的药吗 Here is the prescription 这是处方 How many tablets should I take at a time? 我一次吃几片 How often should I take medicine a day 我一天吃几次? Does the drug have any side-effects? 这药有副作用吗? By the way,is there anything I should pay attention to? 顺便问一下,我有什么需要注意的吗? Do I have to avoid any foods? 请问我需要忌口吗.