【老友记211】重磅消息 drop a bomb

【老友记211】重磅消息 drop a bomb

2016-09-02    22'01''

主播: 英语101

24276 1131

Scene 1 MRS GREEN: [laughing] You have some life here, sweetie. RACHEL: I know. And Mom, I realize you and Daddy were upset when I didn&`&t marry Barry and get the big house in the suburbs with all the security and everything, but this is just so much better for me, you know? MRS GREEN: I do. You didn&`&t love Barry. And I&`&ve never seen you this happy. I look at you and I think, oh, this is what I want. RACHEL: For...me. MRS GREEN: Well, not just for you. RACHEL: Well, what do you mean? MRS GREEN: I&`&m uh, considering leaving your father. Scene 2 ROSS: And you had no idea they weren&`&t getting along? RACHEL: None. JOEY: They didn&`&t fight a lot? RACHEL: No! They didn&`&t even talk to each other. God, how was I supposed to know they were having problems? RACHEL: I just can&`&t believe this is happening. I mean, when I was little, everybody&`&s parents were getting divorced. I just figured as a grownup I wouldn&`&t have to worry about this. MONICA: Is there any chance that you can look at this as flattering? I mean, she&`&s doing it because she wants to be more like you. RACHEL: Well, then, you know, couldn&`&t she have just copied my haircut? Scene 3 MRS GREEN: This is so much fun, just the girls. You know what we should do? Does anybody have any marijuana? RACHEL: God! MONICA: All right, look, nobody&`&s smoking pot around all this food. MRS GREEN: That&`&s fine. I never did it. I just thought I might. So, what&`&s new in sex? RACHEL: Oh! What&`&s new in sex? MRS GREEN: The only man I&`&ve ever been with is your father. MONICA: I&`&m dicing, I&`&m dicing, I don&`&t hear anything. MRS GREEN: I mean, this is no offense to your dad, sweetie, but I was thinking there might be more. RACHEL: Oh, I&`&m sorry. You know what? I cannot have this conversation with you. I mean, god, you just come in here, and drop this bomb on me, before you even tell Daddy. What? What do you want? Do you want my blessing? MRS GREEN: No. RACHEL: You want me to talk you out of it? MRS GREEN: No. RACHEL: Then what? What do you want? MRS GREEN: I guess I just figured of all people you would understand this. RACHEL: Why on earth would I understand this? MRS GREEN: You didn&`&t marry your Barry. I did. RACHEL: Oh. 【实用句型】 You have some life here. This is just so much better for me. I just can&`&t believe this is happening. Is there any chance that you can look at this as flattering? I never did it. I just thought I might. I cannot have this conversation with you.