

2016-10-05    16'36''

主播: 英语101

6851 368

Six nonprofit activist organizations recently got together and graded U.S. fast food restaurants. Better grades went to chains that serve meats that were not raised on antibiotics at farm. Subway improved from an F last year to a B for its new antibiotics policy. McDonald`s improved to a C+ for changes in its chicken, but made no promises about its beef and pork. Pizza Hut and Papa John`s got D`s. And the majority of chains failed. For a second year now, consumer interest groups have been sounding the alarm about the use of antibiotics in meat served at 25 of the nation`s largest restaurant chains. Last year, 20 of those 25 received a F rating. This year, the news is not much better. For a second year now, consumer interest groups have been sounding the alarm about the use of antibiotics in meat served at 25 of the nation`s largest restaurant chains. Last year, 20 of those 25 received a F rating. This year, the news is not much better. But here`s the problem with that, using antibiotics when they`re not needed can make bacteria resistant and that human can potentially eat those bacteria, especially if the meat is not cooked properly. The result, antibiotics may not work when we need them most. You should know that the beef industry also uses six hormones to promote faster growth and weight gain. You know, here`s a good rule of thumb, read the ingredients and try to avoid eating foods that contain ingredients it can`t pronounce. The old adage has always and will forever continue to hold true -- you are what you eat.