

2018-08-02    16'29''

主播: 英语101

10399 70

S01E06 Maisy: I'm sorry I'm late. As I'm sure you have all heard, Celia Bond broke her wrist playing tennis, which means we are now in desperate need of someone to do the costumes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed here. Are there any volunteers?" Lynette (standing up): "I'll do it." Maisy: "Really, that's a ... do you know how to sew?" Lynette (sits down): "Absolutely." Maisy: "Well, great, uh, thank you, Lynette!" (clapping) Lynette (stands up again): "Okay. So, now that I'm going to do some, heavy lifting, I believe I have a right to talk about the changes made to the script?" (She pauses. Nobody says anything, so she rushes forward to stand next to Maisy and address the group.) Lynette: "Um, ladies. We all grew up with Little Red Riding Hood, and we survived it, scary stuff and all, so I say, to hell with political correctness, let our kids experience this classic like it was meant to be enjoyed. Let's kill the damn wolf, and just put on the best show we can." (clapping) Maisy: "Thank you, Lynette, for that impassioned speech, but I believe that ship has sailed." Jordana: "No, it hasn't. We still have time to change the ending back." Ms. Truesdale: "And you know, Maisy, it is just a fairy tale - I don't think it will upset the children." Maisy: "Well, I think you are wrong." Lynette: "Well, that's what's so great about being in a democracy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Also, everyone has a right to vote.