

2016-04-02    10'49''

主播: 英语101

2475 254

China’s web users have come up with a new online craze,a new measure of fitness for you: the &`&iPhone Legs&`& challenge. The test is pretty simple — you put an iPhone 6S on your knees. If it covers them, you have passed the challenge. Like so many of these internet crazes, it’s just another way of making women feel bad about themselves because they don’t achieve the latest absurd beauty standard. It&`&s sad that many people, mostly women, still live in other people&`&s opinions, whether it&`&s right or wrong. People are afraid to be different from others. Stopping body-shaming starts with the realization that bodies come in all shapes and sizes。Not everyone has the same body type, not everyone is going to be able to pass the A4 challenge. Some women have wider set hips, some have bigger bones. Embrace the different sizes and shapes. So top trying to compare different women to each other, because the human body can be different shapes and sizes dependent on a variety of reasons, including nationality, height, body type, etc. Health is what is important. We need to accept who and what we are physically and focus on who we are as people. Because looks fade. Good looks are temporary. Eventually we get old and physical beauty fades. What we&`&re left with is inner beauty which is totally within our power to develop. Hopefully the &`&iPhone Legs&`& will die down, like all of the internet beauty crazes that promote body-shaming. And we can only hope to see less and less of them in the future.