英语口语天天练 第七课

英语口语天天练 第七课

2017-08-12    03'11''

主播: Shally老师

591 5

[本课程适合初级口语训练者,教材简单日常,以日常对话问答主题形式为主线,想提高口语的可以多练习朗读并背诵。] 英语口语天天练 第七课 How many eggs do you eat a week? I think I eat at least two eggs a day. I mean, I really like eggs,and you can cook eggs in basically any way. They can be poached, scrambled,and cooked with vegetables or rice. Yeah...so around 14 a week I guess. And of course more when I work out,coz I need more protein. 单词和短语: basically:基本上 poach:水煮 scrambled eggs:炒鸡蛋 work out:健身 protein:蛋白质