英语口语天天练 第十四课

英语口语天天练 第十四课

2017-08-24    03'05''

主播: Shally老师

136 2

英语口语天天练 第十四课 Do you read your horoscope everyday? Not everyday,but quiet often.I have to admit I'm a little bit superstitious.I mean,you gotta believe something.Science,religion,horoscope,or other stuff. Horoscope guides me in some way,and really helps my life sometimes. 单词和短语: 1.horoscope 星座 2.quiet often 很经常 3.I have to admit 不得不承认 4.superstitious 迷信 5.religion 宗教 6.in some way 在某种程度上