253期:五天就搞清创业是否能成功? - Test your startup idea in 5 days

253期:五天就搞清创业是否能成功? - Test your startup idea in 5 days

2017-07-07    40'31''

主播: i大狗熊

2209 211

你的生活或工作里,往往也会有面对新项目或产品需要做出决策及验证的阶段,如何集合团队的力量来做出正确的决定呢?谷歌风投的专家们告诉我们,只需5天,就可以做出真正重要且正确的决定了!本期狗熊月读,硅谷创业公司必读的书籍:《设计冲刺:谷歌风投如何5天完成产品迭代》(Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just 5 Days)。 If you get a great idea, what's your next step to make it become true? Before you devote all your time and money on it, you may want to know if it really works. The experts in GV bring you a great way to test your ideas just in 5 days. Would you like to know more about it? Check this episode!