255期:月读·破败的现实与完美的虚幻 - Ready Player One

255期:月读·破败的现实与完美的虚幻 - Ready Player One

2017-08-03    40'13''

主播: i大狗熊

7054 379

最新一部由斯皮尔伯格导演的电影《玩家一号》刚刚放出了预告片,就吸引了众多关注。这部描写未来VR世界冒险的科幻片,源自于一本畅销欧美的科幻同名小说,今天我们就来聊一聊这个关于VR世界的故事,也一起畅想一下存在与感知都全面升级的未来,会是一个什么样的世界!本期狗熊月读,美国科幻作家恩斯特·克莱恩的科幻小说《玩家一号》(Ready Player One)。 The novel Ready Player One created a dreadful future of our real world and a beautiful future of VR entertainment, I'm thrilled by the details of Oasis, the VR world in the novel, but I'm still believe we need to focus on the real world, even it is not as good as the virtual one.