325期 / 读书·Keep Going

325期 / 读书·Keep Going

2019-08-25    46'32''

主播: i大狗熊

9291 71

Keep Going(保持前进),由纽约时报畅销作家 Austin Kleon 所著,是一本只有10个章节,充满各种手绘涂鸦与漫画的小书,读起来非常轻松,但却包含了很多值得认真思考的原则。Austin是畅销书 Steal Like an Artist 的作者,一个会画画的作家,在创作的过程中,他将自己的感悟整理成10个原则,写成了这本Keep Going。如果没有经历过真正的创作,很容易给这本书贴上鸡汤的标签,但对于有过创作经验的人们,一定会很赞同这些原则。 最喜欢书里的最后一条原则:专注在那些不过时的创作与事物上。在XTL演讲时选择去浇水而不是听他演讲的德国园丁,栽培出的鸢尾花在XTL死后20多年,依然盛开。 Keep Going by Austin Kleon is a small book with big wistom. There're 10 principles in the book, which are all the things he learned during his writing and drawing journey. Those principles, such as disconnect from the world to connect with yourself, are so simple to understand, but not easy to practice. Anyone who has a few years of creative experience, will learn that the creative life is not a linear journey to a finish line, it’s a loop—so find a daily routine, because today is the only day that matters. The book is full of drawings and sketch from the author, which make it so easy to read. There are maybe too many quotes in the book, but from my perspective, I quite like it. The most valuable tip I've learned from the book, is to respect time. Don't pay your attention on how to be rich at your thirties, but try to learn how to be still passionate about life and creativity at your eighties.