327期 / 读书·什么是完美的说服术? - Pitch Perfect

327期 / 读书·什么是完美的说服术? - Pitch Perfect

2019-09-05    51'25''

主播: i大狗熊

8499 79

Pitch Perfect,一本关于沟通与表达的方法论。英文里的Pitch,除了是词典里查得到的音乐术语之外,更常用也更加非正式的意思,是 “to attempt to sell or win approval for something or someone by advertising, promotion”,中文可以翻译为“安利”。这本书就是教你“如何安利”的,其作者是前电视制作人,采访高手,后转行做专业表达顾问,给各种名人提供表达与采访准备训练,然后把自己的所得写了这本书。可以将其理解为“美国版的马东与美国版的《好好说话》”。 Pitch Perfect by BillMcgowan, an Emmy Award-winning journalist and media coach is about saying the right thing the right way. It is an essential skill for everyone, from sealing a deal to getting a promotion. The book walk through 7 principles, which will help you to pitch perfect. I love the statement at the end of the book: Perfect doesn't mean mistake free. It should be real, casual, warm and enthusiastic. So for me, the pitching upskilling is a continuous journey, but the core is to keep the conversation genuine and not only about me. 七条 Pitch Perfect 原则: 头条原则:用最精彩的内容开场。 教父原则:用视觉化的语言抓住听众的注意力。(作者的故事:采访FB的Sheryl,去错了城市了) 不跟踪原则:保持安全距离(别幽默,但可自嘲) 蕃茄酱原则:要避免乏味的话,要尽量做到丰富和简练。 说服力原则:通过音调与肢体增强说服力(大量电视元素) 好奇心原则:表现出真诚的好奇心(学会倾听) 广告狂人原则:引导话题至你擅长的领域(Lucas的节奏引导)