英语日常用语(85) - I found my way there again just by following my nose.我凭着第

英语日常用语(85) - I found my way there again just by following my nose.我凭着第

2017-04-29    14'18''

主播: 老虎工作室

4891 37

【领取配套教材】发送关键字“英语日常用语2000句”至微信公众号“老虎小助手”获取。 本教材的内容涉及用餐宴请、居家交流、职场办公、校园求学、旅游出行等话题,涵盖了日常生活的方方面面。 英语日常用语(85)-I found my way there again just by following my nose.我凭着第六感又找到了那个地方。 Nose就是指鼻子?你可孤陋寡闻啦!今天我们来介绍一些常用的短语和句子。 1. Many dogs have a good nose.多数狗嗅觉都很灵。 2. Frank has a big nose.弗兰克是个“爱打听”。(好八卦的人) 3. I found my way there again just by following my nose.我凭着第六感觉又找到了那个地方。 4. I can’t afford to pay through the nose for things.我付不起这么高的价钱。 5. It was right under his nose all the time.它一直都在他的眼皮底下。 6. He is a brown-nose.他是个马屁精。 结束歌曲:致姗姗来迟的你 • 歌手:阿肆 / 林宥嘉