

2018-03-11    01'42''

主播: 如意🍀🌺

173 3

朗读者:彭丽霞、龙宇航 女士们、先生们: 感谢您选乘四川航空公司的航班,选择与美丽同行。执行本次航班的机长,在此带领全体机组成员向您表示欢迎,我们将竭诚为您服务。 现在客舱乘务员将进行安全确认,请您系好安全带,收起小桌板,打开遮阳板,调直座椅靠背,收起脚踏板,关闭包括具有“飞行模式”的手机及所有电子产品。特别提醒您,请爱护机上设施设备,正常情况下请不要触碰机上救生衣等紧急设备。 谢谢!   Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for taking Sichuan Airlines. The Captain and all crew members of this flight welcome you aboard. For your safety, please fasten your seat belt , stow your tray table, open the window shade, adjust your seat back to the upright position  and return your pedals  to its initial position. Please turn off your mobile phones including those with flying mode and all the other electronic devices.Under normal conditions, please take care of the aircraft equipment and do not touch the emergency equipment such as the life vests. Thank you!