人就这么一辈子(罗玉琼  叶亚英)

人就这么一辈子(罗玉琼 叶亚英)

2018-03-14    03'36''

主播: 如意🍀🌺

18 0

I often exhort myself and persuade my friends by saying, "it's all my life." These seven words, easy to say, easy to hear, but deep in thought. It can make me become brave when weak, they are modest pride, decadent become active, pain becomes pleasure, too much to take anything, so I call it "bang", "seven words". -- I often think of the pain and resentment of the world, If there is something that can't be resolved, it can't be taken away. If so, what can't be solved? This is the sentence that comes to mind, if I am a hero, I will create greater achievements. If I were a scholar, I would acquire higher learning. If I love someone, I dare to tell her. For this day has not come again; The whole life has passed, and everything is gone. A book that is not read, without a word, has no chance. This precious life, I must hold it well! You can take advantage of it for the rest of your life. You can also face it with indifference. Think hard about it, just to let it go! Think about it when you're depressed. Because anyway, you're always lucky? Have this lifetime, can't white come this bad. 我常以“人就这么一辈子”这句话告诫自己并劝说朋友。这七个字,说来容易,听来简单,想起来却很深沉。它能使我在软弱时变得勇敢,骄傲时变得谦虚,颓废时变得积极,痛苦时变得欢愉,对任何事拿得起也放得下,所以我称它为“当头棒喝”、“七字箴言”。——我常想世间的劳苦愁烦、恩恩怨怨, 如有不能化解的,不能消受的,不也就过这短短的几十年就烟消云散了吗?若是如此,又有什么解不开的呢? 人就这么一辈子,想到了这句话,如果我是英雄,便要创造更伟大的功业;如果我是学者,便要获取更高的学问;如果我爱什么人,便要大胆地告诉她。因为今日过去便不再来了;这一辈子过去,便什么都消逝了。一本书未读,一句话未讲,便再也没有机会了。这可珍贵的一辈子,我必须好好地把握住它啊! 人就这么一辈子,你可以积极地把握它;也可以淡然地面对它。想不开想想它,以求释然吧!精神颓废时想想它,以求感恩吧!因为不管怎样,你总是很幸运地 拥有这一辈子,不能白来这一遭啊。
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