徐春柳贺予贤 《乡愁》余光中(来自FM96471236)

徐春柳贺予贤 《乡愁》余光中(来自FM96471236)

2018-05-26    01'49''

主播: 如意🍀🌺

149 5

Nostalgia 乡愁 余光中 When I was young Nostalgia was a tiny ,tiny stamp Me on the side Mother on the other side 小时候 乡愁是一枚小小的邮票 我在这头 母亲在那头 When I grew up Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket Me on this side My bride on the other side 长大后 乡愁是一张窄窄的船票 我在这头 新娘在那头 But later on Nostalgia was a lowly grave Me on the outside Mother on the inside 后来啊 乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓 我在外头 母亲在里头 And at the present Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait Me on this side Mainland on the other side 而现在 乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡 我在这头 大陆在那头