鹅妈妈讲解版42.chook, chook

鹅妈妈讲解版42.chook, chook

2016-02-22    02'18''

主播: 英语下午茶

244 19

42.chook, chook 【童谣】 Good morning, Mrs Hen. How many chickens have you got? Madam, I’ve got ten: Four of them are yellow, And four of them are brown, And two of them are speckled red, The nicest in the town. Chook, chook, chook, chook. 早啊,母鸡太太。 您有几只小鸡啊? 夫人,我有十只呢! 四只黄的, 四只棕的, 还有两只紅斑点的, 都是城里最好的哦! 啾咯,啾咯. 【词汇】 chook [tʃuk] 母鸡,小鸡,唤小鸡时的叫声 hen [hen]母鸡 yellow ['jeləu] 黄色 brown [braun]棕色 speckled [spekld]斑点的 red [red]红色