Dictation 4

Dictation 4

2016-02-28    01'05''

主播: 英语下午茶

2470 49

Dictation 4 2000 SK TelecomInternet Survival Contest for Physically Challenged Youth was held on October30, 2000. Myself, and all the other physically challenged youth whosuccessfully finished the 72 hours of the Internet Survival Contest overcameour handicaps well, and adaptedourselves proudly to a life lived only by using the Internet. In the award session was more meaningful toeverybody because all of the award prizes were made by participants. Through thisopportunity, I learned valuable knowledge, and real life experience in Internetusing. It gave me self-assurance of the real world of information era. I alsoexperienced enormous amounts of encouragement and cheers from net-citizens.This is also one of the most precious gift for me as well as this contestpresented to everybody to pay more attention to physically challenged youth.
上一期: 鹅妈妈讲解版44
下一期: Dictation 3