口语天天练let's face it

口语天天练let's face it

2017-07-25    03'06''

主播: 柯基_莫奈兔

52 3

face, 动词,面对。 Let's face it. 表示: 说实话,说实在的,不管怎么说。 说实在的,你没有大学文凭的话,很难找到高薪的工作。 Let's face it. If you don't have a college degree, it can be hard for you to find a high-paying job. 说句实话,她确实比你努力很多。 Let's face it, she works a lot harder than you. 不管怎么说,我更帅气。 Let's face it, I am more handsome.