Bringing Me Back to You | 美国歌手Amie为你读美文

Bringing Me Back to You | 美国歌手Amie为你读美文

2014-03-12    06'39''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

20万 9404

关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,查看更完整的图文,背景音乐信息 主播:永清 嘉宾:Amie 坐标:洛杉矶 这是首发于2014年3月的第19期节目,可能很多新朋友还没有听过。当时,我们邀请到了美国歌手Amie为你读英语美文。 Amie Mangola是一名乡村音乐歌手,来自洛杉矶,在美国小有名气。 美国乡村音乐广播Country Radio Station的Charlye Parker曾这样评价她: "Amie&`&s not just another pretty face, she&`&s wonderfully talented and a lot of fun to be around." ”Amie不仅长得漂亮,她也超有才华,而且是一个很有趣的朋友。” Amie对乡村音乐由衷热爱,曾说 "Country music is in my blood. I love writing and creating music in the studio and of course doing live shows! What could be more fun than sharing music?" “乡村音乐流淌在我的血液里。我喜欢写歌,在录音棚创作音乐,当然,我也喜欢现场表演!还有什么比分享音乐更有意思呢?” Amie为你读并演唱由她和Emily Weisband共同创作的单曲Bringing Me Back to You. 歌曲讲述的是一个女孩分手以后,希望通过旅行,结交新朋友,探索新世界的方式重新开始,但所见所闻都会让她回想起和男友的点滴。Everything just keeps her bringing back her to her boyfriend. 也许,爱上一个人只需要一秒钟,但忘记一个人却需要一辈子。 Bringing Me Back to You By Amie Mangola, Emily Weisband I traded your heart in, for a full tank of gas and an open road. Cuz there was big world, and I wanted to taste it. And I thought that meant forgetting all I’ve known. So if I let you go… Why do I see your, smile on, every new face? I swear, the wind it, whispers, whispers your name. And I’m starting to think…. That running away is just no use… Cuz every road keeps bringing me back, bringing me back to you Can’t look at a sunset, without remembering your colors washing over me. Can’t turn on the radio, without hearing something stirring up a sweet memory. All this time, you were where I’m supposed to be. Why do I feel your kiss on my skin, whenever it rains? I swear, the wind it, whispers, whispers your name. And I’m starting to think…. that running anyway is just no use… Cuz every road keeps bringing me back, bringing me back to you 嘉宾介绍 Amie Mangola :美国乡村音乐歌手 更多好歌,尽在Amie的个人网站 制作|编辑: 永清 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文