向大学出发 · 尚尚

向大学出发 · 尚尚

2014-09-03    10'11''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

44.2万 10496

本期主播: 尚尚-西安外国语大学葡萄牙语专业大一新生 本期文章:Somewhere the Sun Is Shining 《某处阳光正好》 文章作者:Jessica M. Raymond 9月1日,开学了!大学新生在父母的陪伴下,拎着大包小包的行李,踏上汽车,火车,飞机…向大学出发!入学报到结束后,新生们将会接受军训,参加迎新晚会,参与社团学生会纳新,开始精彩的大学生活。 作为一名大学新生,尚尚将为你读诗歌Somewhere the Sun Is Shining《某处阳光正好》---送给所有大学新生,祝贺你踏上人生的新征程。若你还没有参加高考,那希望本期节目能提前让你对大学满怀憧憬;若你已经离开大学,那希望本期节目能让你回忆起大学的青葱岁月。 Somewhere the Sun Is Shining By Jessica M. Raymond Somewhere the sun is shining, and the clouds are not in sight, 某处阳光正好, 天空看不见白云飘摇。 Somewhere some&`&s laughing, and talking about what might. 某处有人在笑, 谈论着今后的生活。 What might have been another year, for us to spend together. 来年会是什么样子, 让我们一起度过。 What might have been another time, that I could cherish forever. 下次会是什麽样子, 让我能永远珍惜。 Somewhere two people laugh and joke, and carry on all day. 某处两人正在谈笑, 一整天笑弯了腰。 Talk about their past and future, In an extraordinary way. 谈论他们的过去和未来, 是多么非凡精彩。 They talk about the last few years, And how they made a bond. 他们谈论刚过去的岁月, 他们是如何密不可分。 They found it funny they both were different, But both especially fond. 他们发现彼此不同多么有趣, 却又格外相亲相爱。 Fond of each other every day, So genuine and true. 每一天都深爱对方, 如此真实可信。 A friend to tell of all your worries, If ever you are blue. 一个能够分担一切忧伤的朋友, 无论你何时感到忧伤。 To trust with all my secrets, And keeping yours close to heart. 能够付托我所有的秘密, 也会将你的秘密深藏心底。 Knowing you will comfort me, And we will meet again. 知道你会安慰我, 也会分享我们所有的成绩。 Somewhere the sun is shining, And we will meet again. 某处阳光正好, 我们会再次相遇。 Become the friends we always were, And talk about what&`&s been. 我们会成为永远的朋友, 也谈论过去的经历。 Although you&`&re gone I know you&`&re here, To help me through hard times. 虽然你已离去,我知道你仍在这里, 帮助我度过艰难时期。 Help me make the right decisions, When I don&`&t see the signs. 帮助我做出正确的决定, 当我需要方向的指引。 Somewhere the sun is shining, And you will be in my heart. 某处阳光正好, 而你会在我心里。 Fou you were more like a sister to me, And shall never part. 因为你就是我的姐妹, 我们永不分离。 This is the time to let you know, How much I ready cared. 现在是时候让你知道, 我有多么在乎你。 I love you for you no matter what, And cherish the moments that we shared. 无论经历何事,我一直都深爱你, 并珍惜我们共度的所有时光。 背后小故事 2014年8月,为你读英文小组收到一封来自大理的邮件,刚刚参加完高考的尚尚,希望通过节目为朋友们读英语美文。精湛的口语,让我们对这位年仅18岁的小姑娘刮目相看。进一步的聊天中,我们得知尚尚将到西安外国语大学报到,而西安外国语大学,正是永清,冯静,可人,嘉欣,正鹏,怡静…主播的母校。满怀对大学的憧憬,尚尚在离开大理的前一天录下了本期节目;此时的尚尚已经到达西安,报到完毕,即将迎来精彩的大学生活。 后期,编辑:永清 垫乐: Shining Friends-冯曦妤 Seasons in the Sun- Ray Conniff Summer-久石让