【纯享版】彷如一早就知道 Like I Knew I Would · 潇雨

【纯享版】彷如一早就知道 Like I Knew I Would · 潇雨

2017-03-07    03'32''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

25326 954

今天是女生节,一个关爱女生的节日。在各大高校,男生会绞尽脑汁,打出创意横幅,赞美女生。 在这个充满爱的日子里,我们想对所有女生说: 三生三世愿你繁花一路晴芳 岁月浅浅只为你读英语美文 今天还是潇雨主播的生日,我们也想对潇雨说: 不管几生几世,你永远是我们的潇雨。 伴着《世界第一初恋》的乐曲,潇雨要送你一首诗歌,也是潇雨加入为你读英语美文的第一期节目:Like I Knew I Would《仿如一早就知道》 Like I Knew I Would 《仿如一早就知道》 I heard a song yesterday 昨天我听到一首歌 And it reminded me of you 它让我想起了你 I&`&ve heard it paly a hundred times before 虽然曾经听过一百遍 But I thought of you and smiled 但我想起你,笑了 I wish that you were here, or I was there 多么希望我们不是天各一方 I guess I miss you 我想,我是想你的 Like I knew I would 仿如我一早就知道 I saw a little boy today 今天我看见一个小男孩 And he reminded me of you 他让我想起了你 I&`&ve seen boys play before today but 虽然也见过小男孩们嬉笑玩闹 He made me think of you and how you laughed 但他让我想起了你,还有你的笑 I guess I miss you 我想,我是想你的 And later I was reading back 随后我回忆着 To how things were 往昔的日子 And I was laughing through my tears at the thought of you 一想起你,我的泪水里便透露出笑意 How I wished that you were here, or I was there 多么希望我们能够在一起 And I was missing you 我想念你 Like I knew I would 仿如我一早就知道 And if I never see you again this side of forever 假如在这永恒之门的另一面,我再也不能见到你 Can I tell you that I love you 我还可以告诉你吗?——我爱你 That I&`&ll never forget you 我永远也不会忘记你 Even though you&`&ll forget me 纵然你会忘了我 And that&`&s okay 也无妨 For when I think of you I always smile 因我想起你时,我总会微笑 Like I knew I would 仿如我一早就知道 垫乐 《世界第一初恋》OST 主播介绍 潇雨:女生节出生的双鱼座御姐,被罗斌亲切地称呼为御姐姐 主播, 制作:潇雨,|编辑: 永清 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文