感恩节特辑 | 渡过小河,穿过树林,回到纯真年代

感恩节特辑 | 渡过小河,穿过树林,回到纯真年代

2017-11-23    10'22''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

15085 621

第225期 渡过小河,穿过树林,回到纯真年代|「为你读英语美文」感恩节特辑 主播:Marco (7岁),Robert(10岁),Ann(13岁) 坐标:美国·旧金山,微信首播 The New-England Boy's Song about Thanksgiving Day 新英格兰男孩感恩节的歌 作者:Lydia Maria Child,翻译:薇清/Ann Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, To grandfather's house we go; 我们去祖父家; The horse knows the way, 马儿认得路, To carry the sleigh, 拉着雪橇, Through the white and drifted snow. 越过漂浮的白雪。 Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, To grandfather's house away! 到祖父的家去! We would not stop 我们不会因为 For doll or top, 娃娃或陀螺停下脚步, For 't is Thanksgiving day. 因为今天是感恩节。 Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, Oh, how the wind does blow! 哦,风怎样吹! It stings the toes, 它刺疼脚趾, And bites the nose, 啃咬鼻子, As over the ground we go. 我们穿越着大地。 Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, With a clear blue winter sky, 在一个晴朗冬日蓝色天空下, The dogs do bark, 狗儿们在吠, And children hark, 孩子们在听, As we go jingling by. 当我们的马车叮当路过时。 Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, To have a first-rate play — 这是一场上好的游戏 - Hear the bells ring 听到钟声响起 Ting-a-ling ding, 叮铃铃, Hurra for Thanksgiving Day! 感恩节万岁! Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, No matter for winds that blow, 不管大风呼呼, Or if we get the sleigh upset, 甚或我们雪橇, Into a bank of snow. 陷入了一堆雪团里。 Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, To see little John and Ann, 要见到小约翰和安了, We will kiss them all, 我们要亲吻他们, And play snow-ball, 和他们打雪仗, And stay as long as we can. 并尽可能长的多呆一会儿。 Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, Trot fast, my dapple grey! 快快跑吧,我的斑驳的灰马 Spring over the ground, 在大地上跳跃, Like a hunting hound, 像头猎犬一样, For 't is Thanksgiving day. 因为今天是感恩节! Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, And straight through the barn-yard gate; 直达谷仓门; We seem to go 我们似乎走得 Extremely slow, 极慢, It is so hard to wait. 等待是如此难耐。 Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, Old Jowler hears our bells; 老约勒听到我们的叮当声; He shakes his pow, 他摇了摇脑袋, With a loud bow wow, 发出了响亮的汪汪声, And thus the news he tells. 以此发出它的消息。 Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, When grandmother sees us come, 当祖母看到我们来了, She will say, Oh dear, 她会说,亲爱的哦, The children are here, 孩子们来了, Bring a pie for everyone. 给每个人拿一个馅饼来。 Over the river, and through the wood, 渡过小河,穿过树林, Now grandmother's cap I spy! 现在我能瞥见祖母的帽子! Hurra for the fun! 为即将到来的乐子而欢呼吧! Is the pudding done? 布丁做好了吗? Hurra for the pumpkin pie! 为南瓜饼欢庆吧! 主播介绍 Marco 今年7岁,Robert 10岁,Ann 13岁,三姐弟生活在美国旧金山 特别感谢三姐弟的妈妈-薇清 策划:薇清,制作: 永清 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 节目首发,查看背景音乐,拓展资料 敬请关注微信公众号:为你读英语美,ID:readenglishforyou