爱的风险 · 潇雨

爱的风险 · 潇雨

2019-05-23    05'44''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第315期 爱的风险 | 你愿意为爱冒险吗? 主播:潇雨 坐标:长沙 The Risk of Love 爱的风险 There is a risk involved in everything: Every time you share a smile, Every time you shed a tear, You are opening yourself up to hurt. 每件事都存在风险: 每次对他人微笑 每次落泪 你都让伤害有机可乘。 Some people tread slowly through life, Avoiding the closeness risk bring Sidestepping the things they can not understand, Turning away from those who care too much— Those who care stay too long, Those who hold too tightly. 有的人小心谨慎地生活, 避开恋爱带来的与他人亲密的风险, 绕过他们无法理解的东西, 远离那些太在意的人 —— 那些不愿放手的人, 那些抓得太紧的人。 There is never an easy way to love. You cannot approach it cautiously. It will not wait for you to arm yourself. 爱从来不存在容易的方式。 你无法谨慎地靠近它。 它不会等你武装好自己才来临。 It does not care if you turn away. It is everywhere, it is everything. Love is the greatest of all risks. 它不在意你是否走开。 它无处不在,无所不是。 爱是最大的风险。 It is not reliable, it is not cautious It is not sympathetic. It is unprejudiced and unmerciful; It strikes the strongest of mind, And brings them to their knees in one blow. 它不可靠,它不谨慎, 它不怜悯。 它没有偏见,也不仁慈。 它袭击最强大的心灵, 一击就让其拜倒。 Even in the best of time love hurts. It hurts to need, it hurts to belong, It hurts to be the other part of someone else, Without either of your consent. 即使在最美好的时光里,爱也给人带来伤痛。 对爱的渴求带来痛苦,爱的归属带来痛苦, 成为他人的另一半带来痛苦, 无需你俩任何一方同意。 But, from the moment it overtakes you, It hurts worse to be all alone. The risk of love never depletes; It grows stronger and more dangerous with time. But, it is in the total surrender of all defenses That we, no matter weak or strong, No matter willing or captive, No matter what, we truly experience love. 但,从它袭击你的那刻起, 比你独自一人,它带来的痛苦更大。 爱之风险永不消减; 它随着时间的流逝日益强大危险。 但,只有当我们彻底投降时, 无论是强是弱, 无论是自愿还是被迫, 无论如何,我们才真正体验到爱。 Despite the many things love is not, Outweighing it all are the things that love is: Love is surrender without a loss. It is a gift without the cost. It consumes your every thought and desire, Every breath you take. It is the fire that fuels you To do more than pass through life; It urges you, instead, to live. 尽管爱不包含很多东西, 但爱包含的一切胜过其他: 爱是没有损失的投降。 它是没有成本的礼物。 它占据你所有的思考和欲望, 占据你每一口的呼吸。 它是火,促使你 不至虚混度日; 它促使你真真正正地生活。 No matter the outcome, having felt love, You will never be the same. It may scar your heart and soul And leave you only memories of forever. Or, it may cause every day of your life To feel like there is no need for tomorrow. But, love is worth it. It is worth the risk... 不论结果如何,一旦感受到爱, 你就不再一如往昔。 它也许会在你的心和灵魂里刻下伤疤, 并只给你留下永恒的回忆。 或者,它也许会耗尽你生命的每一天, 使你感觉明天没有存在的必要。 但,爱值得。它值得你去冒险... For in all of life, Love is truly the only risk worth taking. 因为在生命中, 爱真的是唯一值得冒的险。 ▎主播介绍 潇雨:会计,就职于国家电网 主播:潇雨,制作:永清 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 ▎节目首发,背景音乐,图文资料,更多推送 敬请关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,ID:readenglishforyou