古诗词合集 | 腹有诗书气自华

古诗词合集 | 腹有诗书气自华

2019-07-08    15'22''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 古诗词合辑 鲁迅曾说过:我国文学具有三类,意美以感心,音美以感耳,形美以感目。 中国古典诗词,既有意境之美,读起来郎朗上口,又有音律之美。在形式上,格律统一,又具有形美。集“三美”于一身。 我们精选6首古诗词和名家翻译,为你读英语美文节目组“四美” 潇雨,Sally,娇娇,DD为你双语古诗词。希望站在双语的角度,我们能更充分地领略古诗词之美。多读,多背古诗词,你的内心会变得更丰盈,你的气质也将优雅如兰。 雨霖铃 Bells Ringing in the Rain 作:柳永 译:许渊冲 播:潇雨 寒蝉凄切 Cicadas chill and drearily shrill. 对长亭晚 We stand face to face at an evening hour 骤雨初歇 Before the pavilion, after a sudden shower. 都门帐饮无绪 Can I care for drinking before we part? At the city gate 方留恋处 Where we're lingering late, 兰舟催发 But the boat is waiting for me to depart. 执手相看泪眼 Hand in hand, we gaze at each other's tearful eyes 竟无语凝噎 And burst into sobs with words congealed on our lips. 念去去千里烟波 I'll go my way, far, far away On miles and miles of misty waves where sail the ships. 暮霭沉沉楚天阔 Evening clouds hang low in boundless Southern skies. 多情自古伤离别 Parting lovers would grieve as of old. 更那堪 冷落清秋节 How could I stand this clear autumn day so cold! 今宵酒醒何处 Where shall I be found at day's early break From wine awake? 杨柳岸 Moored by a riverbank planted with willow trees 晓风残月 Beneath the waning moon and in the morning breeze. 此去经年 I'll be gone for a year. 应是良辰好景虚设 In vain would good times and fine scenes appear! 便纵有千种风情 However gallant I am on my part, 更与何人说 To whom can I lay bare my heart? 渔歌子 A Fisherman's Song 作:张志和 播:Sally 西塞山前白鹭飞, In front of western hills white egrets fly up and down. 桃花流水鳜鱼肥。 Over peach-mirrored stream, where perches are full grown. 青箬笠, In a broad-brimmed blue hat 绿蓑衣, And green straw cloak, I'd fain 斜风细雨不须归。 Go fishing careless of the slanting wind and rain. 03 忆江南,江南好 Dreaming of the Southern Shore 作:白居易 播:Sally 江南好, Fair Southern shore 风景旧曾谙。 With scenes I adore. 日出江花红胜火, At sunrise riverside flowers redder than fire, 春来江水绿如蓝。 In spring green waves grow as blue as sapphire, 能不忆江南? Which I can't but admire. 04 枉凝眉 Hope Betrayed 作:曹雪芹 译:David Hawkes 播:娇娇 一个是阆苑仙葩, One was a flower from paradise, 一个是美玉无瑕, One a pure jade without spot or stain. 若说没奇缘, If each of the other one was not intended, 今生偏又遇着他; Then why in this life did they meet again? 若说有奇缘, And yet if fate had meant them for each other, 如何心事终虚化? why was their earthly meeting all in vain? 一个枉自嗟呀, In vain were all his anxious fears 一个空劳牵挂。 All, insubstantial, doomed to pass 一个是水中月, As moonlight mirrored in the water 一个是镜中花。 Or flowers reflected in a glass. 想眼中能有多少泪珠儿。 How many tears from those poor eyes could flow, 怎经得秋流到冬尽,春流到夏! Which every season rained upon her woe? 05 《如梦令》(其一) Tune: “Like A Dream” 作:李清照 译:赵彦春 播:DD 常记溪亭日暮, The dusk at the river arbor I often recall. 沉醉不知归路。 Blind-drunk, our way back we remembered not at all! 兴尽晚回舟, Having had much fun, we paddled homebound 误入藕花深处。 And strayed into lotus flowers profound. 争渡, Tried to get through, 争渡, Tried to get through, 惊起一滩鸥鹭。 So startled, all egrets from the shoal flew. 06 《如梦令》(其二) Tune: “Like A Dream” 作:李清照 译:许渊冲 播:DD 昨夜雨疏风骤, Last night the wind blew hard and rain was fine. 浓睡不消残酒。 Sound sleep did not dispel the aftertaste of wine. 试问卷帘人, I ask the maid rolling up the screen. 却道海棠依旧。 "The same crabapple tree," she says, "was seen." 知否? "But don't you know, 知否? O don't you know, 应是绿肥红瘦。 The red should languish and the green must grow."
上一期: 如梦令 · DD
下一期: 月亮与六便士 · Wlson