鲁滨逊漂流记 Robinson Crusoe

鲁滨逊漂流记 Robinson Crusoe

2019-10-11    10'09''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第334期 鲁滨逊漂流记 主播:罗斌 坐标:广东 · 河源 从大二到工作,不知不觉,罗斌为你读英语美文快5年了。国庆期间,罗斌从深圳回到了家乡河源,为你读《鲁宾逊漂流记》。 Chapter 8 Surveys His Position 第八章 考察海岛 I MENTIONED before that I had a great mind to see the whole island, and that I had travelled up the brook, and so on to where I built my bower, and where I had an opening quite to the sea, on the other side of the island. I now resolved to travel quite across to the sea-shore on that side; so, taking my gun, a hatchet, and my dog, and a larger quantity of powder and shot than usual, with two biscuit-cakes and a great bunch of raisins in my pouch for my store, I began my journey. When I had passed the vale where my bower stood, as above, I came within view of the sea to the west, and it being a very clear day, I fairly descried land - whether an island or a continent I could not tell; but it lay very high, extending from the W. to the W.S.W. at a very great distance; 前面曾经提到过,我一直想周游全岛。我先走到小溪尽头,最后到达我修筑乡间住宅的地方,在那儿有一片开阔地一直延伸到海岛另一头的海边。我决定先走到海岛那头的海岸边。我带 上枪,斧头,狗,以及较多的火药子弹;另外还带了两大块干粮和一大包葡萄干。就这样我踏上了旅程。我穿过我那茅舍所在的山谷,向西眺望,看到了大海。这一天,天气晴朗,大海对面的陆地清晰可见。我不知道那是海岛,还是大陆;只见地势很高,从西直向西南偏西延伸,连绵不断; I walked very leisurely forward. I found that side of the island where I now was much pleasanter than mine - the open or savannah fields sweet, adorned with flowers and grass, and full of very fine woods. I saw abundance of parrots, and fain I would have caught one, if possible, to have kept it to be tame, and taught it to speak to me. I did, after some painstaking, catch a young parrot, for I knocked it down with a stick, and having recovered it, I brought it home; but it was some years before I could make him speak; however, at last I taught him to call me by name very familiarly. But the accident that followed, though it be a trifle, will be very diverting in its place. 我缓慢前行,感到我现在所在的小岛这边的环境,比我原来住的那边好多了。这儿草原开阔,绿草如茵,遍地的野花散发出阵阵芳香,且到处是茂密的树林。我看到许多鹦鹉,很想捉一只驯养起来,教它说话。经过一番努力,我用棍子打下了一只小鹦鹉。等它苏醒后,我把它带回了家。但过了好多年,我才教会它说话,终于让它亲热地叫我的名字。后来,它曾差点儿把我吓死,不过说起来也十分有趣。 As soon as I came to the sea-shore, I was surprised to see that I had taken up my lot on the worst side of the island, for here, indeed, the shore was covered with innumerable turtles, whereas on the other side I had found but three in a year and a half. Here was also an infinite number of fowls of many kinds, some which I had seen, and some which I had not seen before, and many of them very good meat, but such as I knew not the names of, except those called penguins. 我一走到海边,便发现我住的那边是岛上环境最糟的地方,这真有点出乎我的意料。在这儿,海滩上龟鳘成群;而在我住的那边海边,一年半中我才找到了三只。此外,还有无数的飞禽,种类繁多;有些是我以前见过的,有些却从未见过。不少飞禽的肉都很好吃。在这么多飞禽中,我只认出一种叫企鹅的东西,其余的我都叫不上名字。 I confess this side of the country was much pleasanter than mine; but yet I had not the least inclination to remove, for as I was fixed in my habitation it became natural to me, and I seemed all the while I was here to be as it were upon a journey, and from home. However, I travelled along the shore of the sea towards the east, I suppose about twelve miles, and then setting up a great pole upon the shore for a mark, I concluded I would go home again. 我承认这边比我住的地方好得多,但我无意搬家,因为我在那边已住惯了。这边再好,总觉得是在外地旅行,不是在家里。我沿着海边向东走,估计大约走了十二英里后,我在岸上竖了一根大柱子作为记号,便决定暂时回家。 In this journey my dog surprised a young kid, and seized upon it; and I, running in to take hold of it, caught it, and saved it alive from the dog. I had a great mind to bring it home if I could, for I had often been musing whether it might not be possible to get a kid or two, and so raise a breed of tame goats, which might supply me when my powder and shot should be all spent. I made a collar for this little creature, and with a string, which I made of some rope-yam, which I always carried about me, I led him along, though with some difficulty, till I came to my bower, and there I enclosed him and left him, for I was very impatient to be at home, from whence I had been absent above a month. 回家路上,我的狗袭击了一只小山羊,并把小羊抓住了。我连忙跑过去夺过小羊,把它从狗嘴里救了下来。我以前经常想到,要是能驯养几头山羊,让其繁殖,那么,到我弹尽粮绝时,可以杀羊充饥。因此我决定把这头小山羊牵回家去饲养。我给小羊做了个项圏,又用我一直带在身边的麻纱做了根细绳子,颇费了一翻周折才把羊牵 回我的乡间住宅。我把小羊圈了起来就离开了。当时,我急于回老家,因离家已一个多月了 I cannot express what a satisfaction it was to me to come into my old hutch, and lie down in my hammock-bed. This little wandering journey, without settled place of abode, had been so unpleasant to me, that my own house, as I called it to myself, was a perfect settlement to me compared to that; and it rendered everything about me so comfortable, that I resolved I would never go a great way from it again while it should be my lot to stay on the island. 回到老家,我躺在吊床上,心里有说不出的高兴和满足。这次外出,作了一次小小的漫游,一直居无定所,总感到不称心。现在回到家里,跟出门在外的生活一比,更觉得这个家确实完满无缺,舒适安定。因此我决定,如果我命中注定要在这个岛上度过余生,以后就决不离家走太远了。 The rainy season of the autumnal equinox was now come, and I kept the 30th of September in the same solemn manner as before, being the anniversary of my landing on the island, having now been there two years, and no more prospect of being delivered than the first day I came there, I spent the whole day in humble and thankful acknowledgments of the many wonderful mercies which my solitary condition was attended with, and without which it might have been infinitely more miserable. I gave humble and hearty thanks that God had been pleased to discover to me that it was possible I might be more happy in this solitary condition than I should have been in the liberty of society, and in all the pleasures of the world; that He could fully make up to me the deficiencies of my solitary state, and the want of human society, by His presence and the communications of His grace to my soul; supporting, comforting, and encouraging me to depend upon His providence here, and hope for His eternal presence hereafter. 时值秋分,雨季又来临了。九月三十日这一天。是我上岛的纪念日。像去年一样,我严肃虔诚地度过了这一天。我来到这岛上已两年了,但与两年前刚上岛时一样,毫无获救的希望。整整一天,我怀着谦卑和感激的心情,追念上帝给我的种种恩惠。如果没有这些恩惠,我孤寂的生活就会更凄苦了。我卑顺地、衷心地感谢上帝,因为上帝使我明白,尽管我目前过着孤单寂寞的生活,但也许比生活在自由快乐的人世间更幸福。上帝无时无刻不在我的身边,时时与我的灵魂交流,支持我,安慰我,鼓励我,让我信赖天命,并祈求他今后永与我同在。所有这一切,都足以弥补我寂寞生活中的种种不足。 It was now that I began sensibly to feel how much more happy this life I now led was, with all its miserable circumstances, than the wicked, cursed, abominable life I led all the past part of my days; and now I changed both my sorrows and my joys; my very desires altered, my affections changed their gusts, and my delights were perfectly new from what they were at my first coming, or, indeed, for the two years past. 直到现在,我才充分意识到,我现在的生活比过去幸福得多。尽管我目前处境不幸旦我过去过的却是一种罪恶的、可憎的、令人沮咒的生活。我现在完全改变了对忧愁和欢乐的看法,我 的愿望也大不相同,我的爰好和兴趣也变了。与初来岛上相比,甚至与过去两年相比,我获得了 一种前所未有的欢乐。 ▎主播介绍 罗斌:毕业于广东海洋大学,现在空调行业打拼 主播,制作:罗斌