Starbucks "cat paw cups" in China

Starbucks "cat paw cups" in China

2019-03-16    01'17''

主播: 乐声悠扬

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星巴克“猫爪杯”走红背后,是你的审美升级 @辛玄烨,Mitch Starbucks fans fight over limited edition 'cat paw cups' in China 中国星巴克粉丝为限量版“猫爪杯”大打出手 ① Starbucks is having to defend its marketing strategy in China — and all because of a cat cup. 星巴克不得不为其在中国的市场战略辩护——一切都是因为一款猫爪杯。 ② The company released a limited edition "Cat Paw Cup" in China recently, a double-walled tumbler with an interior shaped like a cat's paw. 最近,星巴克在中国发布了限量版的“猫爪杯”,这款双层杯子的内部形似猫爪。 ③ Customers went gaga for the quirky products. An unspecified number of them went on sale priced at 199 yuan each and sold out in less than a day. Videos emerged of people brawling in Starbucks stores to get their hands on one. 消费者们为这款新奇的产品而疯狂。这批数量不明、标价199元的猫爪杯刚刚上市,便在不到一天内销售一空。网络上也流传着人们在星巴克门店为买到一只猫爪杯而大打出手的视频。 ④ The cute cups became such a hot property that Chinese internet users began suggesting that Starbucks was trying to artificially drive up demand. 这款可爱的杯子如此火爆,以致于有中国网友质疑星巴克是在刻意进行饥饿营销。 ⑤ It was unclear what sent Chinese customers over the edge about the cat cups, beyond the fact that they were cute and in short supply. 除了造型可爱和“一杯难求”,尚不清楚是什么让中国消费者为之疯狂。 ⑥ China is Starbucks' second largest market after the United States. The company is aiming to open thousands more stores across the country in the coming years and is trying to fend off fierce competition from local startup Luckin Coffee, which has grown rapidly by catering to Chinese consumers' enthusiasm for ordering through their smartphones. 中国是星巴克仅次于美国的第二大市场。该公司计划在未来几年增设上千家店面,以此应对中国本土创业品牌瑞幸咖啡的激烈竞争,后者因迎合了中国消费者热衷用智能手机点餐的习惯而快速扩张。 1. fight over 为……打架 ·fight with sb.: 和……打架 2. limited edition 限量版 Open your eyes! It's limited edition. 睁大你的眼睛看看!这是限量版。 3. paw /pɔː/ n. 爪子 4. defend /dɪ'fend/ vt. 辩护 5. release /rɪ'liːs/ vt. 发布 ·同义表达:unveil;launch 6. tumbler /'tʌmblə/ n. 平底玻璃杯 ·a tumblerful of sth.: 一杯…… 7. interior /ɪn'tɪɜːrɪə/ n. 内部 8. gaga /'gɑːgɑ/ adj. 狂热的 9. quirky /'kwɜːkɪ/ adj. 古怪的;奇怪的 10. unspecified /ʌn'spesɪfaɪd/ adj. 未指明的 11. price /praɪs/ vt. 给……定价 12. sell out 售空 ·常主动表被动:sth. sells out. 13. emerge /ɪ'mɜːdʒ/ vt. 出现 Rumors emerge of me loving you. Well, they are not rumors. 有谣言说,我喜欢你。但那不是谣言。 14. brawl /brɔːl/ vi. 吵架 15. get one's hands on sth. 占有某物 Don't get your hands on my sisters. 不要动我的姐妹! 16. property /'prɒpətɪ/ n. 资产;财产 17. artificially /ˌa:ti'fiʃəli/ adv. 人工地 ·artificial: adj. 人工的 
 Wow! It tastes so artificial. 啊,这个吃起来添加剂的味道好重啊。 18. drive up 拉动 19. send sb. over the edge 让某人疯狂 ·edge: n. 边缘 20. send sb. over the edge 让某人疯狂 ·edge: n. 边缘 21. in short supply 供不应求 22. aim /eɪm/ vt. 打算;目的是 YLYK is aiming to open your eyes. 友邻优课一直致力于打开大家的眼界。 23. in the coming years 在接下来的几年 ·in the coming decades: 在接下来的几十年 ·in the coming days: 在接下来的几天 24. fend off 挡住 25. fierce /fɪəs/ adj. 激烈的;凶猛的 Cats are cute, but wild cats are fierce. 家猫很可爱,但是野猫很凶。 26. cater to 迎合 The success of Haidilao hotpot is in that it caters to customer's expectation for service. 海底捞火锅的成功在于它迎合了消费者对于服务的期待。 27. enthusiasm /ɪnˈθju:zɪæzəm/ n. 热情
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