

2015-09-02    24'00''

主播: 罗叔英语

279 15

本期嘉宾:长江商学院金融学教授、企业融资战略研究中心主任 甘洁 今年二季度产能过剩的矛盾恶化,这意味着当前产业经济面临的最大挑战是需求不足,融资问题已经不是瓶颈。 长江商学院金融学教授、长江商学院金融与经济发展研究中心主任甘洁作出上述判断。 甘洁表示,产业经济的恢复是一个长期过程,没有灵丹妙药,宽松的货币政策只能是一个短期政策,长期来看还是要坚持金融改革。财政政策上,应该以刺激内需为主,长期来看产业政策才是关键。 根据前述报告,在接受调查的1998家企业中,仅有7%的企业认为资金不足。 甘洁,现任长江商学院金融学教授和企业融资战略研究中心主任,在加入长江商学院之前,她先后担任香港科技大学工商管理学院金融系教授,和哥伦比亚大 学商学院经济与金融系的助理教授,并从麻省理工大学获得了博士学位。甘教授长期从事公司金融及中国资本市场的研究,在这些领域有突出贡献。她2011年独 立获得美国学术界最高荣誉之一的Brennan最佳论文奖。她的研究成果发表在国际顶级学术期刊,如金融经济学期刊(Journal of Financial Economics)、金融研究评论(Review of Financial Studies),以及金融与数量分析(Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis)等;她也是多家国际顶级学术期刊及学术会议的审稿人。她的授课得到了MBA学生和EMBA学生的高度赞誉,课程也获得了多项教学奖。此 外,《金融时报》(Financial Times)及《经济学家》杂志(The Economist)曾专栏报道她的研究和教学。 Welcome to Biz Buzz, where we look at the emerging trends in the business world. I&`&m Luo Yu in Beijing. Hi 大家好,欢迎收听中国财经,我是罗煜. Coming up in this special edition of Biz Buzz, we&`&ll talk about challenges and opportunities in China&`&s industrial economy. --------------------- (Q&A) Interview with Pro. Gan Jie on China&`&s Industrial Economy Anchor: With the recent upheavals in China&`&s stock markets and the weakening yuan ensuring that China is being scrutinized like never before, the need for reliable data from the heart of China&`&s economy is essential. The release of CKGSB Finance Professor Gan Jie&`&s 2015 Q2 large-scale company survey report paints an intriguing picture of China&`&s industrial economy. According to the survey, after stabilizing in the first quarter, the industrial economy did not show further improvement in the second. She argues that the recovery for China&`&s industrial economy will be a long and slow process and that excess capacity remains the biggest challenge. So how can the industrial sector cope with the economic slowdown in China? Can loosening monetary policy fix the issue of overcapacity? What should be the government&`&s focus? And what remedies are there for the Chinese economy? To answer these questions and more, I spoke with Pro. Gan Jie, Director of Center on Finance and Economic Growth of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing. And that&`&s all we have time for on this episode of Biz Buzz. Remember you can get in touch with us with any questions or comments at newsplus@cri.com.cn or visit our website newsplusradio.cn. Biz Buzz is aired every Saturday and Sunday on FM91.5 and AM846 in Beijing and other overseas stations. I&`&m Luo Yu, until next week. 我是罗煜,感谢您收听本期中国财经,每周日和你相约FM91.5和AM846.除了发送邮件至newsplus@cri.com.cn,你也可以订阅荔枝FM260715,收听中国财经英文版. 下周再会.